Zoomorphic Portals: Crossing the Threshold

This is not a time for mourning. I must transfer our magic into action. I must focus, before it fades.

July gave me the spell to fold time together so two points meet, and in that moment my fox, my sacred dagger and my crystal pouch all watched on as past illusions came into focus.

The smoke stings my eyes. I quiver with raw power still palpable in those youthful manifestations, like a spearhead rusting in the weather that still draws blood at first touch. 

Absent-mindedly, my hand swipes aside the vision of his glow in the dark eyes, like a bee that’s flown too close to my face.

Fox lays her paw on my thigh, stopping me knowingly. “Do not push away the visions,” her silent look says, “allow it all to come”. I nod, and let out a long breath.

What does the light from his eyes illuminate?

Action. Energy. Movement. Two birds battle in flight. Tension. Understanding. All things flow. Seasons change, new life threads are pulled tight to hibernate the winter through. Ecosystems hold space for a million overlapping lives. 


We are too small of a drop in the Ocean of Life to even comprehend, yet here is love and belonging expanding so far beyond physical limitations. Tears well up out of my eyes like a swollen river after rain. Beauty is everywhere. Colour is the celebration of harmony.
Connection - in flow. 

Crows gather. 


Based in Braidwood, NSW, BOHIE creates art, illustration, public space murals, and creative workshopping experiences that explore wonder and connection to each other and to the natural world.

She works alongside educational institutions, government agencies, community focus groups and stewards of the natural world to design change-making campaigns for each creative project. Bohie utilises a research-based methodology to find inspiration for her artworks, resulting in 2D images which are laden with deeper stories and symbolic meaning.

This narrative driven conceptual development injects her unique authenticity and grass-roots integrity into the public arena, which she sees as a conscious challenge to public advertising. In a time of rapid change, extreme instability and a globally recognised feeling of imminent threat, Bohie’s art provides messages of hope and empowerment for a changed future.


Give Your Love Away


A Lullaby for Little Dreamers