I Think She Lives in My Belly

I think she lives in my belly
in my scars
my stretch marks
in my womb

In my smile
my belly smile
deep in my belly button
up inside my wetness

I think she lives in my silliness
in my strangeness

In that blurred vision between form and texture
in colours and shadows

Just outside of my peripherals
just around the next bend

In the notes of a birdsong
in the rustle of leaves touching each other 
and inside the dew drops of the first light of morning

Under mossy rocks
behind brick walls 

In the ripples on the water
jumping leapfrog from cloud to cloud

In birds nests
and spider webs
and in the rich and luscious smell of death and rebirth 
on the forest floor

Her name is laughter
her language is singing
her muse is dancing

She is close when I have goosebumps
with me when I am shining
feeding me my deepest breaths 

She is unconditional love, and I am made of her. 


Based in Braidwood, NSW, BOHIE creates art, illustration, public space murals, and creative workshopping experiences that explore wonder and connection to each other and to the natural world.

She works alongside educational institutions, government agencies, community focus groups and stewards of the natural world to design change-making campaigns for each creative project. Bohie utilises a research-based methodology to find inspiration for her artworks, resulting in 2D images which are laden with deeper stories and symbolic meaning.

This narrative driven conceptual development injects her unique authenticity and grass-roots integrity into the public arena, which she sees as a conscious challenge to public advertising. In a time of rapid change, extreme instability and a globally recognised feeling of imminent threat, Bohie’s art provides messages of hope and empowerment for a changed future.


Reflections on the Intimacy of Intimacy


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