Empowering Spaces: The Transformative Power of Community-Led Murals

In an age where public spaces are increasingly homogenised, the value of community-led mural projects stands out as a beacon of transformation. These projects do more than brighten up a wall; they turn anonymous spaces into vibrant, meaningful places. By involving community members in the creation process, particularly young people and at-risk youth, we can build bridges, foster connections, and give voices to those who might otherwise remain unheard.

Turning Space into Place

A space becomes a place when it resonates with the people who use it. Community-led murals are a powerful tool in this transformation. When local residents, students, or employees collaborate on a mural, they infuse it with their collective identity, aspirations, and stories. This process not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a space but also embeds it with a sense of belonging and ownership.

Fostering Connection and Collaboration

Murals that emerge from community collaboration are more than just art; they are catalysts for connection. Engaging in the creative process helps individuals form relationships and build a shared sense of purpose. For young people and at-risk youth, these projects can be particularly impactful. They offer a constructive outlet for self-expression, instil pride in their environment, and foster a sense of achievement and belonging.

In schools, murals created by students can transform sterile hallways into dynamic learning environments that reflect their creativity and diversity. In corporate settings, collaborative murals can enhance team cohesion and communicate company values in a visually engaging way. Public space placemaking projects benefit from community involvement by creating artworks that reflect local culture and history, thus enriching the community's connection to the space.

Empowerment Through Art

One of the most profound benefits of community-led mural projects is the empowerment they provide. By giving individuals a role in shaping their surroundings, we affirm their value and contributions. For young people, particularly those who are at risk, this empowerment can be life-changing. It provides them with skills, confidence, and a sense of agency, which are crucial for personal development and social integration.

Creating Lasting Impact

The impact of community-led murals extends beyond the immediate visual appeal. These projects can lead to long-term positive changes, from improved community relations to enhanced local pride. The act of coming together to create something beautiful and meaningful fosters a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect that can ripple out into other areas of community life.

In conclusion, community-led mural projects are more than artistic ventures; they are powerful tools for transformation. By turning spaces into places, fostering connections, and empowering individuals, these projects not only beautify our surroundings but also enrich our lives. In every brushstroke and colour choice, there lies an opportunity to build bridges and create a sense of belonging that resonates far beyond the canvas.


Based in Braidwood, NSW, BOHIE creates art, illustration, public space murals, and creative workshopping experiences that explore wonder and connection to each other and to the natural world.

She works alongside educational institutions, government agencies, community focus groups and stewards of the natural world to design change-making campaigns for each creative project. Bohie utilises a research-based methodology to find inspiration for her artworks, resulting in 2D images which are laden with deeper stories and symbolic meaning.

This narrative driven conceptual development injects her unique authenticity and grass-roots integrity into the public arena, which she sees as a conscious challenge to public advertising. In a time of rapid change, extreme instability and a globally recognised feeling of imminent threat, Bohie’s art provides messages of hope and empowerment for a changed future.


Exploring Alternatives: Diverse Public Funding Opportunities for Vibrant Communities


Murals as Placemaking: Transforming Spaces, Empowering Communities