Hey, I’m Bohie.

I create murals, art, design, and community-focused placemaking experiences that explore wonder and connection to each other and to the natural world.

My Approach


I utilise a research-based methodology to uncover inspiration for my artworks, partnering with science institutions, government agencies, community focus groups and stewards of the natural world to create change-making concepts that are laden with deeper stories and symbolic meaning. 

Mindful Concepts

My narrative driven conceptual development injects a unique sense of authenticity and grass-roots integrity into my public artworks, which I see as a conscious challenge to commercial advertising. 

Rooted in a commitment to environment, empowerment, and inclusivity, my art embraces the spirit of resilience and authenticity - bridging gaps, sparking dialogue, and driving positive change in communities everywhere.

Conservation themed
Public Mural Commission for Suburban Land Agency

Research-led public mural commission with strong environmental messaging, inspired by field work undertaken with Molonglo River Reserve Environmental Protection Agency

View Project

Case Studies

Office Mural including on-site Art Residency and Team Building Workshop

Unique approach to an office mural, including a two week in-house art residency, workshop facilitation with employees, and bespoke artwork commission

View Project

Government Funded Public Mural Commission for Surface Street Art Festival

Research-led public mural commission with strong environmental messaging created in partnership with “NoWaste” local government sustainability initiative.

View Project

What my Clients are Saying

“We are fascinated by how Bohie’s art is able to make visible what is difficult to put into words; this includes the fragility of the environment and the urgency to act in the face of our climate emergency, but also broader values and collective experiences.”

- Anna-Sophie Jurgens, Australian National University Centre for Science Communication

"Absolute integrity from A to Z. Design, research, execution, professionalism, inclusion, kindness and an absolute rock star for the planet and for supporting up and coming females in the sector."

- Sophie Peer, Suburban Land Agency

Get in Touch!

Schedule a free 1:1 introductory session with me to discuss your project needs.


  • I'm a big fan of real life conversations, and try to have phone calls, or video chats if we can't meet in person. There's always questions to ask and briefs to unpack, so don't hesitate to book in a consultation and let's chat it through.

  • My pricing is based on both the project's scope and your desired timeline. Given that my skills range from graphic design and illustration to murals, workshop facilitation, live art and public speaking - every project and budget is different and my pricing reflects that.

    My clients also range from community group to corporate, so if you are working within a capped budget please let me know so I can price accordingly.

  • While I can't assist you in securing funding, I can provide you with a quote to help you apply for the grant. If you need support to apply for a grant please reach out to your local council, there's lots of information in place to assist you when you know where to look.

  • While I can take some projects on at short turn around, mostly I work with a 2-3 month lead time.

    Please reach out as early as you can to lock something into my schedule, particularly if you need the project completed by a certain date.